I’ll always be thankful my mom talked me into going to Summer church camp wayyy back in 2011. 

If I’d have stayed home (like I honestly wanted to).. I would’ve never met Blake, and we would have never begun this amazing adventure together. Blake and I got married in December 2015, had our son Dane in 2019, and our daughter Nora in 2021. We also added 2 pups to the mix (Mose and Hopper.) 

 We live in the Blue Ridge Mountains and truly feel so at home here. We feel happiest spending time outdoors together, moving our bodies and staying active/healthy, whipping up yummy stuff in the kitchen, and getting cozy and having movie nights. :) I am a HUGE fan of balance and pursuing what brings you (and those around you) joy. I have grown to love sharing this life of ours online and really think I have the best online community out there.

Thank you for being here. I hope you can feel at home in our little corner of the internet. <3


2 years ago, my husband dropped out of medical school while we were living near Tampa. For the 1st time- we could move anywhere we wanted! We’d visited this are multiple times before and just got such a special feeling while we were here. We felt like it could be such a magical place to raise a family- fast forward to now and we were right. There’s nowhere else we’d rather be.

While I’ve grown to love Crossfit over the past year, weight-lifting has had my heart for years now! My typical week currently looks like this:

Monday: Legs (glute-focused)
Tuesday: Upper Body
Wednesday: Sprints or Crossfit :)
Thursday: Upper Body
Friday: Low intensity cardio (usually a long walk or hike!) or a Crossfit class
Saturday: Legs (quad focused)

I LOVE working out which is why I train 6 days a week- but this is absolutely not a necessity! I’m all about listening to your body and finding a balance that works best for you!

PS- I still do try to sneak in my fav ab workout on YouTube once a week or so- IYKYK . Here’s a link to the BEST core workout!

I feel so incredibly inspired whenever I get outside with my family, spend time in my garden, have some time to bake in my kitchen, or have a few minutes to sing and play guitar. I love creating and ESPECIALLY love creating things my family can enjoy. I aspire to be a true homemaker and am so inspired by amazing women I’ve grown up with who have known how to make a house a home.

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